Cooling Tower Cleaning & Disinfection
Every business that has a cooling tower needs regular maintenance
Gloster Services will work with you to customise a cleaning program that will meet health department guidelines and standards whilst meeting your specific needs.
Every clean we safety check each operational component of the unit for cleanliness and running ability. A condition report on the system is then completed.
At each clean our service technicians clean and inspect all components of the cooling tower, they include:
- Drifter eliminators
- Fill pack
- Air intake louvres
- Fans
- Pumps
- Spray system
- Internal casing (corrosion)
- Access hatch seals
After each clean and disinfection we will send you a detailed report that highlights each component and how effective it is running, as an overall system. We will also add in any recommendations for further maintenance or repairs that may be required.
How we clean your cooling tower:
- Isolate heat source and chemical dosing equipment
- Perform a 1 hour disinfection by adding a bio-dispersant and chlorine while maintaining correct chlorine and PH levels
- Isolate the system ensuring correct lockouts are performed (LOTO)
- Remove access panels, louvres and drift eliminators to gain access to all areas of the cooling tower
- High pressure clean the cooling tower casing
- Check water distribution system and spray nozzles
- Remove all solid matter from the basin floor and sump
- Clean and refit louvres, drift eliminators and access panels
- Refill system with water and de-isolate pump
- Perform second disinfection by adding chlorine while maintaining correct chlorine and PH levels for 1 hour. Drain to sewer or neutralise excess chlorine level
- Refill with fresh make up water and repassivate system with Biocide and corrosion inhibitor
- Recommission system and place dosing equipment back on line
- Provide detailed condition report and cleaning certificate
The benefits of a regular cooling tower clean and disinfect:
- Health regulations are met
- Lower the risk of bacteria including Legionella
- Reduces the risk of unit failure or breakdown
- Running efficiently/ better performance